• Pr A.G. Aprahamian (Yerevan 1964 & 1967) : Short History of Armenian Diaspora > In Far East Asian Countries
  • Bibliographical Research : Nil V. Agopoff
  • under construction

Tittle in Armenian
Short History of the Armenians
in Far East Asian Countries
Pr. A.G. Aprahamian, Short History of Armenian Diaspora
Yerevan 1964 & 1967
Summaries in English planned - Résumés en français prévus

  • Burma Volume II, pp 280-292 (planned)
    - Summaries in French (planned) and in English (planned)

  • Indonesia Volume II, pp 293-312 (planned)
    - Summaries in French
    (planned) and in English (planned)

  • Far East [Singapoor, Penang, Malacca, Hong Kong & Macao] - Volume II, pp 313-320 (planned)
    - Summaries in French (planned) and in English (planned)
  • Philippines Volume II, pp 321-325 (planned)
    - Summaries in French (planned) and in English (planned)

  • China Volume II, pp 326-333 (planned)
    - Summaries in French (planned) and in English (planned)

-I.Présentation - II.Arménologie - III.Fonds documentaire du CRDA - IV.La vie arménienne en diaspora -V.La culture arménienne et l'Art - VI.Histoire - VII.Arménie(s) - VIII.Les différents environnements & l'Arménie - IX.Génocide de 1915 et enchaînements politico-médiatiques - X.Inconscient(s) collectif(s), Mémoire(s) et 1915 - XI.Religion(s) et Théologie(s)