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La mise en oeuvre du djihad
dans l'Empire ottoman
conçue par
l'État allemand (1914-1918) |
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- On peut remarquer le paradoxe suivant : le Sultan Abduhamid II faisant massacrer plus de 200.000 Arméniens de 1894 à 1896 et pourtant islamo-traditionnaliste, n'aura pas décrété la Guerre Sainte.
Cependant, ce sont les Jeunes-Turcs -acquis à la modernité du pantouranisme- qui décréterons le Jihad, la Guerre Sainte -et ceci sous les instigations de l'Empire allemand. N.A.
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- Der Streit um den Heiligen Djihad-Krieg 1914 bis 1915. Bremen 2003 -
- Euro-Islam by "Jihad made in Germany." London 2007 -
- Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, Die Berliner
Djihadisierung des Islam Wie Max von Oppenheim die islamische Revolution schürt -
- Max von Oppenheim und der Heiligen Krieg. Zwei Denkschriften zur Revolutionierung islamischer Gebiete 1914 und 1940. Wolfgang G. Schwanitz
- Völkermord an den Armeniern (Wkipedia)
-  Germany’s Middle East policy, Wolfgang G. Schwanitz |
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Shaykh Salih al-Sharif al-Tunisi a rencontré Enver à Constantinople puis en Lybie durant la guerre italo-turque, qui l'envoie à Berlin. |
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- Vahakn N. Dadrian, German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of the Historical Evidence of German Complicity : Review by Meredith Hindley (April 1997) - SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GERMAN INVOLVEMENT IN THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE November 22, 2011 -
- Although most of the Armenians living in Turkey had been deported, scattered, and martyred in the spring of 1915, a few hundred thousand survivors still perishing in the deserts to the south—wasting away to nothing. Nevertheless the German officers’ Armenophobic fury continued, and not a word of compassion was heard from their lips. On the contrary, they justified the Ittihad government, saying, “You Armenians deserve your punishment. Any state would have punished rebellious subjects who took up arms to realize national hopes by the destruction of the country.” . “The Armenian Golgotha, Grigoris Balakian, 1876-1934”
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– Recherches envisageables en osmanli, en turco-tatar et azéri - |
 - Recherches possibles aussi dans les pages webes en arabe et en farsi : Google.ar - Google.fa - 
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- C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Holy War: Made in Germany, 1915, in Verspreide Geschriften (Bonn, Leipzig: Schroeder, 1923), Vol. 3, pp. 257–58 -
Hugo Grothe, Deutschland, die Türkei und der Islam (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1914).
- Carl Heinrich Becker, Die Kriegsdiskussion über den Heiligen Krieg, in Islamstudien, pp. 281–304
- Shaykh Salih ash-Sharif al-Tunisi, Haqiqat al-Jihad, translated from Arabic by Karl E. Schabinger, foreword by Martin Hartmann (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1915). See also Hugo Grothe, Deutschland, die Türkei und der Islam (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1914).
- Tilman Lüdke, Jihad made in Germany: Ottoman and German Propaganda and Intelligence Operations in the First World War,[/i] (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2001) ; Laurent Murawiec, Pandora's Boxes: The Mind of Jihad, Vol. II (Washington DC: Hudson Institute, 2007)
- Gottfried Hagen, German heralds of holy war: Orientalists and applied oriental studies, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 24/2 (2004), 149-150.
- Ernst Jäckh, Der aufsteigende Halbmond (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1915); Ernst Wiesener, Adler, Doppelaar und Halbmond (Hamburg: Hansa-Verlag, 1917); and Wilhelm van Kampen - Studien zur deutschen Türkeipolitik in der Zeit Wilhelms II. (Kiel: 1968) |
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