

Pages arméno-iraniennes


  • David Nejde Yaghoubian, 2000 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, "Ethnicity, Identity, and the Development of Nationalism in Iran"
  • The Armenians of Iran , The Paradoxical Role of a Minority in a Dominant Culture: Articles and Documents. Cosroe Chaqueri, ed., Review by Camron Michael Amin, JSAS, Vol.9 (1996, 1997[1999]): pp.159-161
  • Houri Berberian, 1997 Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles, The Love For Freedom Has No Fatherland: Politization of Armenians and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911

  • Saint-Stepanos de Jolfa - Saint-Thaddée - Dzordzor
Marchand arménien en Europe
originaire de Perse XVIII

Gravure d'une publication de Ghévond Alichan
(Venise XIX)
  • <<< Du berceau de la Perse antique à la République islamique d'Iran, Edouard Nissanian, Connaissances Et Savoirs Eds
A compléter