- Judy Bady Quartet in Yerevan : Al. Spendiaryan National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet April 29, 2006 7:00PM - “Jazz Parade” : This gala event will feature various well-known Armenian bands and the American Judy Bady Quartet, and will bring
- Fifth annual Jazz Appreciation Month in Armenia April 26-30 2006 -
- «My teacher was a famous Armenian pianist, composer and arranger Armen Donelian. My first music teacher also was Armenian, Gergoy Toroyan,» American jazz singer Judy Bady stated at a news conference in Yerevan today. In her words, national melodies form the basis for jazz and Armenian music is strongly present in Armenian jazz.
«I started singing in a church, I sang gospels, then studied in New York, which is considered a jazz center. I will perform my own compositions and classical jazz in Yerevan,» she remarked. As of the acquaintance with composition of Armenian jazzmen, Bady said she has listened records of Chiko & Friends of Armen Tutunjyan and looks forward to a joint concert. Jazz Parade will be held at the Opera Theater on April 29.
Misha Piatigorsky and Hans Glavishnik, who had performed with famous Armenian jazz singer Tatevik Hovhannisyan in their time, also play with Bady.
Judy Bady Quartet is in Yerevan owing to a recurrentJazz Appreciation Month, held by the US Embassy in Yerevan
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