
Remarks on this republicated article to the Arab readers, who don't know the historical facts

  • There are many serious mistakes or points that need to be explained. These points are:
    - 1. It is important to declare or notify that Azerbaijan, which is mentioned in page 659 (with capital Tapriz) is historically the Persian province Atrpatakan or Atropatin, and has nothing to do with current Azerbaijan, which was created (put on map) by the British in 1918 ( I have the historical evidences of this fact).
    - 2. The census of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was not correct. For example, the number of Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire, before the Genocide of 1915, was 2 million and 100 thousand, according to the estimations of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul (It was declared in the time of Ittihadi officials and none of them protested against it), while in 1878 (in the year of Berlin Treaty) and before Hamid's Massacres it was 2.5-3.0 million, according to Armenian and foreign sources.
    Al-Muktataf mentioned that the number of Armenians was 1.5 million, while the Iraqi "Sada Babil" well-known newspaper (published in Baghdad in 1909) which mentioned that the number of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was 2 million and 300 thousand.
    Al-Muktataf Review also neglected the fact that the Turks were only representing 20 % of the population of the Empire (also historical evidence of this fact). The wrong number of Armenians
    -3. By reading the last paragraph (in page 664), we notice: a. The article would be continued later,

  • The Arabic Scientific Review was not "Scientific" when it ignored the facts mentioned above. The Review also ignored the fact of Armenian Massacres (1894-1896) in which 300 thousand Armenians were martyred, and applauded the policy of Sultan Abdul Hamid (who was called by the foreigners the "Red Sultan" due to these massacres) towards the Armenians and the "Reforms" in the Armenian vilayets.

  • This discloses the pro-British and pro-Ottoman policy of Al-Muktataf which was recognized by the scholars and researchers.

  • Ara Ashjian (Bagdad)
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