Al-Azhar Great-Cheikh Fatwa
condemning the 1909 Adana Massacres
of Armenians by the Turks

in Armenian
- Ghulam-us-Saqlain, The Mussulmans
of India and the Armenian Question, Nineteenth Century, vol. 37,
London, 1898

- (planned)
- Sadik Shahid Bey, Islam, Turkey and Armenia, and how they
happenned. Turkish mysteries unveiled, St Louis, Woodward, 1898, In-12,
222 pages
- In The Middle-Ages
- A
Covenant of' Ali, Fourth Caliph Of Baghdad, Granting Certain Immunities
and Privileges To The Armenian Nation - Many articles on Ali's Covenant in Armenian : Beyrouth, Venice, Tiflis, Yerevan, etc. 
- The Armenian Judge And Lexicographe Of The Ommeyade Sultanate in Spain under construction
- Overview on Arab-Armenian Historical &
Cultural Relations During Medieval
- Arab Medieval Sources in arabic language
on Armenian History being
planned - Studies and Testimonies of Arab geographes, travellers and chroniquors on Armenia and Armenians -
- 'The History' : Arab
conquest of Armenia by the Armenian eye-witness chronicler Ghevond

- The
Arabs in Armenia: Who are they ? An Abridged Chronology of Their
Origin and Their Arrival In The Araratian Land (642 A.D.) 
By Aram Orchanian Armenian Language and Armenology
Graduate St. Lazarus, Venice(Italy) Published by: Bernard Berberian
- "History of the Armenian People" by Hovanness Traskhanagerdtzi
(400pp, University of Yerevan, 1996, Armenia)
presented by Eddie Arnavoudian

- Saladin (1138-1193) Firman Confirming
The Rights Of The Armenians In The Holy Places Of Jerusalem
- Cultural
& Scientific Relations Between Arabs And The Armenians In The
Medieval Times
- During The Ottoman Period
- Overview on Arab-Armenian Historical &
Cultural Relations During Ottoman
- Chahan de Cirbied the the first professor of Armenian
courses in the school l'Ecole spéciale des Langues orientales vivantes chosen
by Napoleon Bonaparte at his return from Egypt
. Testimonies on the presence
of Armenian in the XVIIIth century in Algiers
. A colonialist French project of sending Roman Catholic Armenian
colonials in Algiers (1850) (planned)
. and its denunciation by Armenian journalist Stépan Voskan in Paris
- Emir Abd el Kader Exiled In Damascus And The Armenians.
- The Armenians In The Nahda - Rizq'allah Hassoun (1825-1880) - Adib Ishak (1856-1886)
- Egypt Of The Khedives And The Armenians Till The British Occupation in 1882 (under construction)
- Artin Bey (1850-59) Foreign Affairs Ministerand of Trade of Egypt
- Arab Resistances and Revolts against the Ottoman Domination (planned)
- The Travel of Father
Komidas in Egypt, his successfull concerts, etc.
ARABE An Arab newspaper
in French language edited in Paris around 1908 where the translation
of an Armenian article from Hentchak was published.
- Lebanon, At The Beginning Of the War. Souvenirs of A Governor, 1913-1915, Ohannès Pacha Kouyoumdjian
- Armenian Génocide Of 1915 : See chapter IX
- The Organised Famine in Lebanon in 1916 by the Young-Turks
- Kayali, Hasan. Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1997.
Contemporary Period
- Overview on Arab-Armenian Historical &
Cultural Relations During Contemporary
- Armenian translation
of an Arabic poem by Iraki writer Ma'arouf AR RESAFI (1875-1945)
: about the wandering Armenian
survivor with her child in the desert of Mesopotamia
from 1915 Genocide