- Near-East and Arab-Islamic Studies
in France
and Francophone Countries - Armenian interests on the arabic culture along the centuries
- The Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University -
- Chahan de Cirbied who was
the the first professor of Armenian courses in the school
"l'Ecole spéciale des Langues orientales vivantes" founded
by Napoleon Bonaparte at his return from Egypt
- Mr Dennis Papazian, Director of the Armenian Research Center of University of Michigan-Dearborn is member of the the Arab American Studies Faculty Committee
- Pr Arevshadian Conference
Photos, Head-Manager of Madenataran, the
famous Armenian Library-Institution of Oriental Medieval Archives
where there is an important section of Arab
Institute of Oriental Studies of Yerevan in 1988
-  Dr Nikolay Hovhannisyan -
The Countries and the Peoples of Near and Middle East, Academy of Sciences of Armenian SSR; Institute of Oriental Studies, Volume VI : The Arab Countries (416 pages), Yerevan 1974 (in construction)
Studies in the Armenian World - Armenian
Arab Documental Studies Center
- Overview on Orientalism and
on Bernard Lewis by Professor
Edward SAÏD

- Newly Discovered and
Unpublished Arabic Versions of the Samaritan Pentateuch from the
Russian National Library
- Publications of Arab Scholars on Armenology (under construction) - Armenian Arabist Aram Der Ghevondian (planned)
- - Հայկ Պարիկեան, Հայ եւ Արաբ Մշակութային Կապերը ,Գեղարդ, (Հալէպ), 1976-78, հատ. Բ, էջ.428-447 ; Haig Bariguian, The Armenian and Arab Cultural Relations, Keghart (Aleppo), 1976-78, Vol.II, pp.428-447 (planned)

- Sent in 1811 to the Oriental Manuscripts Cabinet of the National Library of France : Arabic Grammar explained in Armenian (Saint-Petersburg)
- Kazandjian, "the Armenian ot the Bibliothèque nationale" working from 1838 to 1865 on his Arabic-French dictionary
- Bibliography In Armenian On The Historical Armenian-Arab Relations (under construction)
- Medieval Arab Sources on Armenia And The Armenians (planned)
- Arab Geographers, Travellers, Chroniquers And Armenia (under construction)
- Bibliographie :
- Kurds in Arabic Sources, Yerevan 1987,
published in Russian by the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy
of Sciences of Soviet Armenia; translated into Arabic by Dr. Khatchadour
Kasbarian and Abdul Karim Aba Zid
- Dr. Arshak Poladian, The Origin of the Kurds in Arabic Sources
(Abu Dhabi, 2004, in Arabic ,
about 100 pages), Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research
- V.K. Tchaloyan, Role and influence of the Arab philosophy in the histoiry of philosophy, Congress of Arabologits, Yerevan 1969, pp130-138 (in russian)