Arabic Cultural Interest Among Armenians Along The Centuries |
During the Middles Ages 
XVII Century
- Armenian and Arabic manuscripts were bought for the Royal Library in Paris by Armenian Pierre Dipy at the service of Colbert, Prime Minister of Louis XIV
- Stépanos Lehatsi, Armenian of Poland translates the Koran from its latin version. The manuscrit of this translation has more than 200 pages and is in the Madenataran of Yerevan -according to eminent armenologue Hakop. S. Anassian.
- During the years when Voskan Yérévantsi printed the Armenian Bible in Amsterdam, an Armenian called Candius was working in the library of Leyden University. Candius knew classic Arabic and he participated to the creation of an arabic-latin lexicon printed in 1659 at Leyden : "Lexicon arabicum" by Pr Jacques Golius (1596-1667).

Library of Leyden University (Netherland)
- XVIII Century
- Armenian Writers in Arabic from Aleppo : pp 300-302
Harutyoun Shemavonian from Shiraz had lived in a sufi congregation by grief after the loss of his two sons in a week. After founding the newspaper Aztarar in Madras, the Nawab of Madras Makhmadi Khan gave the privilege of printing islamic religous texts in Arabic or in Persian to Harutyoun Shemavonian.
- Hovhannes Yeroussaghemtsi, Armenian painter from Jerusalem
paints christian arab saints in Egypt and in Jerusalem : Bibliography - French Text (Cairo 1959)
- Abraham Constantine d'Ohsson, Des peuples du Caucase et des pays au nord de la Mer noire et de la Caspienne, dans le dixième siècle, ou voyage d'Abou-el-Cassim (Paris: Firmin Didot, père et fils, 1828) [signalé dans : Artsvi Bakhchinyan, Armenian Scandinevian Relations, Journal of The Society For Armenian Studies, Volume 11 2000, p 78, Dearborn, UofM, USA]
- - Garabed V. Chahnazarian, Histoire des guerres et des conquêtes des arabes en Arménie, par l'éminent Ghévond, Vartabed du huitième siècle, Paris 1856 (avec publication de la lettre du 5 janvier 1856 de M. Reinaud de la Bibliothèque Impériale)
- Lazareff Institute , former armenian school in Moscow, became an Institute of Oriental Languages by an imperial oukase
Reproduction - Reproduction |
- - Armenians particpating to the Nadha, the Arab Litterature Renaissance (Rizqallah Hassoun, Adib Ishak, Nubar Pasha, etc.)
- In the Ottoman Empire and in Egypt, armenian school books how to learn arabic - Arabic-armenian dictionnaries
- Historical webs on the war with the Arabs by armenian writer Dzerents from Constantinople (and who was a medical doctor graduated in Paris)
- Opera or ballet Zémiré of composer Tchouhadjian on an arabic thema
- Beginning of the XX Century
. Music : when on musical tour in Egypt, famous composer Father Komidas transcripted an Egyptian folkoric song and made it song in arabic by his armenian choir at the Opera of Cairo 
. Painting : travel of Mardiros Sarian in Egypt
. Armenian translation of Khalil Djibran poems - Interest of poet Daniel Varoujan on arabic culture
. Several encyclopedical pages or geographical/historical/religious, etc. studies on the arab world
- Editions of the Koran in armenian : 1910, Varna (Bulgaria), translated from arabic by Apraham Amirkhaniants (1838-1913) . 1911, Constantinople, translated from french by Levon Larents . 1912, Varna, (& the life of Mohammed), from the edition of Amirkhanian and other writers knowing arabic, compiled by Hagop Kourbétian
- Armenian poem Abou Lalla Mahari on the famous medieval philosopher by Avétik Issahakian,
- Armenian Writers in Arabic from Aleppo : pp 309-311 - Հայկ Պարիկեան, Հայ եւ Արաբ Մշակութային Կապերը , Haig Bariguian, The Armenian and Arab Cultural Relations 
Grammar of Arabic

Cairo 1913
Historiographical and bibliographical researches : Nil V. Agopoff (Paris) |