- 1914 JIHAD MADE IN GERMANY - Impact On the 1915AG And On its Hundred Years Long Denial - - Perpetuated genocidal mental structures in the Collective Unconscious of the region ? - ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND EUROCENTRIC ROOTS OF DAESH-ISIS ? - |
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In Germany, it is known how German orientalists had prepared 'HOLY WAR' strategy which was declared in November 1914 in Istanbul.
Here is a VIDEO in German (43mn28s) 'Dschihad für den Kaiser'. Even if you do not understand German language, this video speaks for itself, it is very demanding as the Berlin-Bagdad Bahn Organization. We can feel how Nazi roots had the WWI German imperial experience for manipulating and exploiting concepts, ideologies and beliefs. Today we are acquainted how Ataturk was part of Nazi Imagination and we know the historic thread of Hitler stating : "Who remembers the exterminations of the Armenians ?" Here is the very important work on The Armenians in the Medieval Islamic World / Paradigms by Prof Seta Dadoyan. Pages of contents : Volume I - Volume II - Volume III. which will be added to this mini-website on Armenian-Arab cultural-historical relations during the centuries.
It would be interesting to know if there are any Arab philosophers who have debated on this matter ? If there have been considerations on these historical mechanisms from cause and effect ? Maybe Professor Seta Dadoyan who was as a former professor in philosophy, could inform us. All the more, the Caliphate was suppressed by Ataturk for the reason of 'europeanizing' Turkey within 1924-25-28 kemalists reforms. It was in fact to create smoke screens combined within a fantasmagory of historical falsifications in order to avoid a strong religious condamnation of 1915 crime : a crime disapproved by Humanity, Islam and all the Muslims as reported by an Arab eyewitness.
Today, can we think
- that DAESH / ISIL has symbolic concious/unconcious causes because of 1915 Genocide hundred years after ?
- in the destructuring absence of the Califate (*1), a prestigious institution of Islam which had a tradition of tolerance from the beginning and including towards the Armenians ? (*2)
- in the organized trivialized dishumanization which occured in the Turkish concentration camps of 1915-18 in Syria and Iraq ?
- in Impunity of the Turkish State officialized by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 ignoring the appalling situation of the Armenian population ?
- and in the Kemalist political recycling of former Young-Turks criminals ?
How the Turkish impunity has led to 'Realpolitik' of States ? How this has been transformed into a 'Business Über Alles' Ideology with the Turkish State ? Is this mercantile dogma of gun merchants of today, not rooted in the mentality of slave merchants of yesterday ? We know how this trivialized matter has been commonly accepted among empires and states for centuries. Was not also that 'Realpolitik' ideology which signed away the Armenian refugees in Cilicia, survivors of 1915 Genocide, to their fate in 1921 ?
Are these important philosophical questions related to 1915 debated in the Arab World ? (*3) With debates developping the researches of Prof Nikolay Hovhannisyan -besides the ones done in Egypt or in Lebanon ? Are there also present paradigms of interactions between Arabs and Armenians ? as far in reaching a musical register up to a top international quality ?
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(*1) : As if the Papal Institution would have been suppressed thus creating centrifuginal forces ;
(*2) : Le firman du Caliphe Ali pour les Arméniens : Venise 1848, Calcutta 1870, Tiflis 1904, Jerusalem 1951, Beyrouth 1957, Érévan 1959, Beyrouth 1972, Wien 1980 ~ Passages du Koran dans des manuscrits médiévaux arméniens (Wien 1980) ~ Les firmans du Prophète Mohamed et du Caliphe Ali à l'intention des Arméniens (Beyrouth 1972) ;
(*3) : To find the Philosophy Departments in Arab Universities |
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