Declared HIS HOLINESS ARAM I 08/01/2006
- Speaking to the press after the meeting of the spiritual Heads of the Christian and Muslim communities in Lebanon, His Holiness Aram I, the head of the Armenian Orthodox Community said: “This is the true Lebanon; this togetherness of Muslim and Christian Spiritual leaders concretely manifest the real image of Lebanon. This very meeting by itself is a living message. It is a message of the crucial importance of coexistence; it is a message of peace with justice; it is a message of compassion tolerance and mutual respect. In fact, violence is not the way to solve problems. Dialogue, mutual understanding and compromise based on justice and peace for all, is the most efficient way of dealing with complex issues and situations”.
- Referring to the meeting of religious Heads, His Holiness Aram I said: “Together with one voice in our joint declaration we appealed for immediate ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities. We expressed our full support to all actions and initiatives taken by the government of Lebanon. We emphasized the importance of the expansion of the state’s authority over all the territories of Lebanon. It is our firm expectation that international community and particularly the United Nations will act decisively to stop violence and help Lebanon to recover itself”.
Monday 31 July 2006 Antelias, Lebanon - His Holiness Aram I receiving

the Maronite representative to the Christian-Muslim Dialogue committee in Lebanon Mir Hares Shehab (to left)
to right: Dr. Jean Salmanian, Armenian representative to the same committee
- “Humanity is today at a critical stage in its history. Despite huge progress and successes in the fields of science, technology, economy, culture and international relations, humanity today faces such serious problems that could lead the world to destruction. The ambiguous values of globalization, the violent expressions of religious fanaticism, and the continuation of injustice in different forms have caused fear and insecurity everywhere,” His Holiness Aram I says in his address to the inter-religious conference being held currently in Moscow.
Describing the current situation of the world, His Holiness emphasizes the role of religion in the life of societies: “Religion should not be politicized. It should not be identified with political structures or ideologies. On the other hand, religion can’t be de-politicized, because it has a say towards the main issues facing humanity today. Therefore, it is not possible to completely separate religion and politics. In my opinion, some form of partnership should be established between religion and politics; a partnership the aim of which would be the achievement of the society’s collective goals; a partnership that would succeed in eradicating the root of injustice in society and establishing peace based on justice.”
Within this context, the Catholicos proposes a guideline of five points for cooperation between various religions: a) The development of a society based on common values and aims, b) the deepening of the mutual trust between the various religions and cultures of the world, c) the preservation of pluralism in society, simultaneously developing harmonious cooperation between them, d) the development of respect and acknowledgement of differences, e) the strengthening of the basic values guaranteeing a society’s collective life.
His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians is also attending the conference organized by the Russian Orthodox Church. His Holiness as well delivered a message to the conference.
Representing the Catholicosate of Cilicia and His Holiness Aram I at the conference are Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian (Primate of the Diocese of Tehran) and Bishop Nareg Alemezian (Ecumenical Officer