This djihad was thus not being truly religious and authentic to islam. All the more after the war, as
the Califate was suppressed by the new kemalist Turkey creating the basis of negationnism : the Djihad still remaining as there had not been a new Calife to denounce this forgery.
Husain Ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca and Guardian of Holy Places condems this crime but unfortunately the Emir has not the Great Symbol of Calife. His firman saved ten thousands lifes of Armenian refugees, but this had no enough effects to restructure the Muslim Collective Unconcious which was so much destructured symbollicaly.
I link these underground phenomens to today's reality of islamist terrorism. There is a gap, an emptiness created by the non-existence of the Calife who had been a prestigious institution created since the beginning of islam. Imagine what would happen to the Roman Catholic Church if the Papal institution was suppressed. So uncontrolled centrifugical forces can easily take advantage of such an expected situation : it will not be Protestantism. Turkish forgery on authentic islam, the missing religious symbol of Califate and 1915 crime denial, have been leading in a slowly state of confusion
and in unnoticed way to this destructured islamic situation of terrorism.