- www on Pr Avedis K. Sandjian : University.of.california - The Armenians And The Holy Places in Jerusalem
- Bibliography on Avedis K. Sanjian :
- Journal of Armenian Studies Volume VIII, Number 1: Fall-Winter 2004 : Thirty Years of Armenian Studies by Rouben Adalian - A Catalogue of Medieval Armenian Manuscripts in the United States -
- Biblical Interpretation in the Epic Poetry of Grigor Magistros, St. Nersess Theological Review (New Rochelle, NY) 2 (1997) 77-93.(with Dr. Abraham Terian),
- The Sanjak of Alexandretta (Hatay): Its Impact on Turkish-Syrian Relations (1939-1956), Middle East Journal, vol. 10 (4), 1956, p. 379.