La Syrie
et les Arméniens
Les Arméniens en Syrie
Wikipedia Armenians in Syria
Photos anciennes de Syrie (1870, 1890, 1896, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914-18, 1919, 1920, 1924)
"Le nom des Arabes sera inscrit avec des lettres d'or dans l'Histoire des Arméniens."
ستكتب الأسماء العربية بأحرف ذهبية في التاريخ الأرمني
- A. K. Sanjian, The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman Dominion, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1965
Pages in Armenian History of the Armenians in : Syria and Mesopotamia > XVII - Syria and in Lebanon XVIII-XIX - The Armenians in Alep, Nizar Khalili, Keghart-VI, Halep 2000 ԳԵՂԱՐԴ-Զ, Հալէպ 2000 - Le général de l'armée syrienne Karamanoukian (prévu)-
- Հովհաննիսյան Ն Հ, Սարգըսյան Հ Ա, Սիրիան անկախության համար մղված պայքարում (1917-1946 թթ), Երեվան 1975
- Massacres d'Arméniens à Halep en février 1919
- AGBU District Committee of Syria P.O. Box 348 Azizieh, Djabal Al-Nahr, Aleppo, Phone:(963)(21) 224-8930 or 228-8930 Fax: (963)(21) 227-8930
- Chairperson: Mr. Hagop MIkayelian, Principal Elementary and High School: Lazar Najarian-Calouste Gulbenkian School P.O. Box 348 Aleppo, SYRIA Phone:(963)(21) 249-775 or 248-930
- AGBU P.O. Box 3195 Damascus, Phone:(963)(11) 4533-2040 or 4533-6787
- Elementary and High School: Gullabi Gulbenkian School P.O. Box 3195 Damascus, Phone:(963)(11) 223-903
Presse arménienne
Kantsasar Weekly
Weekly Newspaper Published by Prelacy of Aleppo
Tel.: (00963 21) 224 6753 Fax: (00963 21) 224 6753
E-mail Contact: Mary Merdkhanian (Editor)
"Documented pages from the Al Taqaddoum Newspaper of Aleppo, about Armenian and Arabic Affairs in the Ottoman Empire and the Al Sham (Syria) Countries" published by AGBU Aleppo, written by Alexander Keshishian
Les Syriens en France et dans le monde
Recherches sur web et mise page : Nil
V. Agopoff