Bagdad, le 1er Août 2004
1/ Baghdad
1er Août 2004 : attentats terroristes
contre les Eglises chrétiennes dont l'Eglise catholique arménienne
3/ Les déclarations
- Messages de condoléances et témoignage de solidarité
de la part de l'Archevêque Kude Nacachian, 1er Prélat apostolique
des Arméniens d'Europe
Messages à l’adresse de l’Eglise Catholique et de l’Eglise
Syriaque d’Irak, ainsi qu’aux représentants de toutes les Eglises.
Profondément attristé et choqué par la nouvelle d’attentats meurtriers
perpétrés contre les Eglises en Irak à une heure d’Office Liturgique,
nous voulons exprimer le plus vigoureusement notre horreur à l’idée
que des édifices religieux où l’assistance prie avec ferveur pour le
respect de la personne humaine et la paix sur la terre, aient pu être
la cible d’actes aussi odieusement prémédités et préparés dans une région
où des diverses confessions cohabitent harmonieusement depuis toujours
; nous voulons aussi et tout particulièrement transmettre aux familles
des victimes ainsi qu’à leurs proches nos pensées les plus recueillies
de condoléances, en leur assurant que nous n’aurons de cesse de prier
pour l’âme des défunts ; aux blessés, nos vœux et souhaits ardents de
prompt rétablissement ; à tous les fidèles ainsi qu’aux représentants
de toutes les églises, nos supplications et nos prières afin que triomphe
au plus tôt la conscience individuelle et la solidarité mutuelle dans
un monde nouveau, rajeuni, à bâtir ensemble et gratifié par l’amour.
Archevêque Kude NACACHIAN Délégué pour l’Europe du Catholicossat de
Tous les Arméniens
- Statement from the Mother See of Etchmiadzin
on Church Bombings in Iraq
The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
learned with sorrow from the Armenian Diocese of Iraq of the terrorist
events of August 1, the result of which caused loss of life and many
to be injured. Five churches were damaged, among them being an Armenian
Catholic church. The Armenian Apostolic churches and Diocesan headquarters
of Iraq were not attacked or damaged. The Armenian Apostolic Holy Church
expresses her sympathies to the families of the victims and all Iraqi
people, and wishes complete recovery to the wounded and injured. We
pray that the centuries of friendship and peaceful co-existence among
Christian and Muslim peoples in the East will not be endangered by similar
condemnable violence; for peace to be re-established in the region;
and that the Iraqi people continue with the creation of their safe and
progressing lives.
- August 4, 2004 His Holiness Karekin
II Extends Sympathies to Pope John Paul II
His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians,
has sent a letter of sympathy and support to Pope John Paul II, related
to the terrorist events directed against Catholic churches in Iraq on
August 1, 2004. The letter of His Holiness states in part, "We are saddened
that some extreme elements are attempting to endanger the centuries
of friendship and peaceful co-existence among the Christian and Muslim
peoples of the East, and offer our prayers to the Almighty that the
love of our Lord Jesus Christ will enter into the hearts of men, reconcile
them one to another, and that violence and war will be eliminated from
the region and all of humanity." The Catholicos of All Armenians has
sent a similar letter to the Patriarch of the Armenian Catholics, His
Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX.
- Communiqué du Catholicossat
de la Grande Maison de Cilicie :
"The Christian-Muslim Co-existence is a vital dimension
of the Middle Eastern Society" Stated His Holiness Aram I Antelias,
Lebanon - "For centuries Christians and Muslims have lived together
in the Middle East. Centuries of co-existence, interaction and dialogue
of life have created close affinities in different spheres of society
life as well as common values and traditions. Therefore, the Christian
-Muslim co-existence is neither a conceptual notion nor an imposed reality,
it is an integral and inseparable part of the societies in the Middle
East", affirmed His Holiness Aram I, in Antelias, Lebanon. Referring
to the bombings of the churches in Iraq, Catholicos Aram I said: "Violence
in all its forms and expressions is against human and religious values
and principles. We have repeatedly stressed the need for dialogue, solidarity,
mutual tolerance, respect and understanding. Neither Islam nor Christianity
will accept violence as a way to solve problems. Bombing of Christian
churches in Iraq is a deep harm against the Christian-Muslim existence.
Both Christians and Muslims with their equal obligations and rights
are co-citizens of the Arab countries. It is my firm expectation that
the government of Iraq will take the necessary measures to protect the
rights and the well being of all citizens. It is also my expectations
that Christians and Muslims in Iraq and in different parts of the Middle
East will continue their dialogue and collaboration based on shared
values and aspirations, and strengthen their commitment to peace with
justice", stated His Holiness.
- Thursday, 05 August 2004
- Une
catastrophe pour les rapports entre Occident et Orient, Le Monde
- Wednesday, 04 August 2004
- Les chretiens victimes de l'islamisation extrême en Irak, par
Jean-Philippe Hamon, La Croix 3 Août 2004
- Un
choc pour le Vatican et les Eglises d'Orient, Le Monde -
- Armenian catholicos regrets Baghdad church blasts in letter to Pope,
- Tuesday, 03 August 2004
Iraq blames al-Zarqawi for bombing - Religious leader
wants Iraqi churches to enhance co-operation - Iraqi Christians slowly
fleeing to Syria - Christians Leaving Iraq - Iraq's Christians shaken
after attacks - Iraqi chaos starting to breed sectarian strife - Iraqis
decry attacks on Christians (The Christian Science Monitor August
03, 2004)
- Monday, 02 August 2004
- Irak: vague d'attentats contre des lieux de culte
chretiens - Christliche Kirchen im Irak angegriffen Iraq: Timori procuratore
Caldeo - Iraq: Una evacuata prima dell'attentato - Iraq: Attacco a Chiese
- Los cristianos, objetivo del terror iraqui - Una oleada de atentados
suicidas contra iglesias siembra el terror - Al menos seis muertos en
ola de atentados contra iglesias cristianas - Double attentat a la voiture
piegee pres de deux eglises a Bagdad - Irak se islamiza dia a dia Les
chretiens d'Irak - 11 Killed in Coordinated Attacks on Iraqi Christians
- Armenia condemns attacks on Christian churches in Iraq - Diocese:
Update on church bombings in Iraq - Top Shiite condemns church bombs
- Christians respond to church bombings in Iraq- Christian minority
targeted in Iraq- Zarqawi blamed for Iraqi church attacks - Al-Qaeda
blamed for Iraq church attacks - Middle East church leaders respond
to Iraq bombings - Militants strike churches in Iraq - Christians fearful
after attacks - Antelias: Statement on Iraq
- Sunday, 01 August 2004
The Armenian Church in Baghdad – Iraqi Christians'
long history 2 dead, 38 injured in Iraqi church explosions – Six
churches bombed in Iraq's Bloody Sunday – Four Near Simultaneous
Car Bombs Target Iraq Churches: Police – Blasts rock churches –
Cars Explode Outside Baghdad Churches; 2 Dead – Series of Blasts
Hit Churches in Bagdad – Two Blasts Hit Separate Churches in Iraq-
x 2 articles
5/ Les Arabes musulmans
en Irak
- Analysis: Top Shiite condemns church
bombs By Roland Flamini Chief International
Correspondent WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 (UPI) -
- The most significant voice raised in condemnation of Sunday's wave
of bomb attacks on Christian churches in Iraq belonged to
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the Shiite Muslim leader.
"We denounce and condemn these terrible crimes," Sistani declared in
a statement Monday. "We stress the need to respect the rights of Christians
in Iraq and those of other religions, including their right to live
in their own home, Iraq, in peace." Sistani is considered the most authoritative
cleric in Iraq's Shiite community comprising over 60 percent of the
population. His quick reaction was seen as an attempt to distance mainstream
Shiites from the bombings.
- Les Sunnites