
under construction
- To Inform Francophonia in the USA -
1. The Important Historical French Armenophile Movement (France 1878-1923),
2. The Armenian History in France Since The Middle Ages

3. The Editing of French Writers And Literature
Studied, Translated And Published In Armenian Since The XVIII Century

Do you live in a Town in the USA which is Sister City with a Town in France ?

Wikipedia : American Towns in Alphabetic Order - French towns by Departemental Order
Please contact your Armenian Association to see how to inform Francophonia in the USA
  • Alliances françaises And French Highschools in the USA (ADIC Page under construction)

  • Planned Proposed Texts for (Alliance française French High Schools)

  • American University Courses in French History and Literature
    - Planned Proposed Text

  • Unions of French teachers in American Highschools
    - Planned Proposed Text
  • Haitians in the USA
International Baccalaureat (Geneve - CH) - International Francophonia Links ADIC Page (under construction)

Information and Mobilisation
of American Associations in Paris

Organisations & associations

Ecoles, collèges et Universités

Americans in France and The Armenian Cause

WWII Armenian American Soldiars
burried in American Cemeteries of France

- « Cousins des Amériques » - France-Amérique - France-Service (Los Angeles) -