- Les Mille et Une Nuits, Robert Laffont, 1040 pages, Paris 19xx, Traduit par le Dr J.C. Mardrus - Présentation de Marc Fumaroli [Histoire prodigieuse de la Ville d'Airain : pp.781-796]
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- ...In the seventh century of the Hegiria, in the suburb of Bulaq, I transcribed with measured calligraphy, in a language I have forgotten, in an an alphabet I do not know, the seven adventures of Sinbad and the history of the City of Bronze, declares the narrator of Borge's tale "The immortal" Luis Borges, "The Immortal", Labirinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings (New York: New Directions 1964) p.116 - cité au début de l'article de James Russel (1984)
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